K.F. Hein Fonds
Kunstparticipatieproject 2019
‘Vensters’ is an illustrated plexiglass-installation made for the Sint Pieters and Bloklands Gasthuis, a carehome in Amersfoort.
The installation is, quite literally, a ‘frame story’ (raamvertelling) about the elusiveness of dementia. By playing with transparency, collage-elements and fragility, the used materials enhance the narrative of the work. I want to invite the onlooker to get lost in the drawings- to walk in between the works, to look closer, to wonder. What does it mean to deal with dementia and slowly lose your grip on reality?
This project was commissioned by the K.F. Hein Fonds. For the realisation of this project I collaborated with designer Bart Schalekamp.
All pictures by Arthur Martin